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It’s the perfect time of year to declutter your laundry! You can streamline your laundry routine by decluttering and keeping it organised with our range of handy storage solutions. Tackling the laundry can feel like a huge task, as it’s often a space that can easily become a dumping ground. If you dedicate some time to organising this room and creating an efficient system, we promise it’ll be well worth the effort!

Because most people don’t use the laundry and heavy-duty cleaning products every day, it can be difficult to recall exactly what you have lurking under the laundry sink. To simplify the process of decluttering, we recommend firstly removing everything from the cabinets to see exactly what products you have. You may find you have lots of double ups of similar products and you’d be surprised how many products may be expired.

Streamline Your Laundry

The more storage the better in a laundry! Whether it’s concealed storage or open shelving, if everything has a place it’ll be easy to keep organised. The Inabox modular containers and insert trays are perfect to store all your small laundry items and group products together. Giving all your items a dedicated and neatly concealed home will increase your bench space and overall functionality of your laundry.

Laundry Tips and Tricks

  • Group products you regularly use together! If you know the exact products you use to clean the carpet why not put them together? Having them all in the one spot is going to make it easy to grab if there’s a spill.
  • Swapping to multi-purpose laundry products is a great way to decrease the amount of cleaning products you need and save valuable space!
  • Clean your laundry appliances regularly to ensure they stay in optimal condition. Removing all the lint from the dryer on a regular basis will prevent overheating and running your washing machine with just detergent to remove any leftover grime will go a long way when it comes to maintaining your appliances.
  • For any pet bedding, head over to your local laundromat and make use of their industrial sized washing machines! This will help protect your washing machine as you won’t have any left-over pet hair in the machine.

Streamline Your Laundry 2

We hope these tips have helped to improve your laundry routine! For more storage tips, tricks and ideas, visit our blog or follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

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